The hounds of the blade
The hounds of the blade

In fact the "royal lion hunt", was the staged and ritualized killing by the king of lions already captured and released into an arena. The Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal, a sequence of Assyrian palace reliefs from the North Palace at Nineveh dating from about 645 BCE in the British Museum in London show King Ashurbanipal hunting lions. These hunts were symbolic of the ruling monarch's duty to protect and fight for his people.

the hounds of the blade

In ancient Assyria, lion hunting was a ritualized activity reserved for kings. Commemorative artwork has been found telling of how during a single hunt, pharaoh Amenhotep III allegedly killed more than 100 lions. These hunts nearly resulted in the extinction of the local lion population by 1100 BCE. In Ancient Egypt, lion hunts were usually reserved for pharaohs. It's probably a rule that if you manage to get all 6 dog and 2 man in play at the same time, you automatically win the scenario.Heracles slaying the Nemean lion: detail of a Roman mosaic from Lliria, Spain Ancient Egypt.

the hounds of the blade

No matter how tempting they might be, Venturers are not dog.Maintaining a clear Alpha male is vital to the pack's survival.Scholars are presently unable to answer the question, "does Lone Wolf count as a dog?" They do confirm that it can generate one potential dog per turn, or at least a third to a half of one. Leo also has enough brain to make Enchant Weapon worthwhile as well.Unknown if Haste can grant free use of the attack on Sledgehammer. Cyclopean Hammer or Sledgehammer would also be funny and/or practical.Any other big gun or notbig gun can be swapped in place of flamethrower.EotE_Combat Training ( not Combat Training) is good and well insulated behind dog.Well Prepared because Flamethrower has many fists and a wild, and Mitch Brown has 2 wild.45 Thompson are particularly apt for training. Establishing dominance early is key here. Get the level 0 weapon(s) that you form the strongest bond with.Let your inner dog guide you to the imaginary bush he wants to pee truth all over. Important: while employing Mitch doesn't break the oath against man-allys, as he is both useful and necessary to dog, do not tell dogs about him lest they feel betrayed. Calling in Favors to find only man-ally that benefits dog: Mitch Brown.Faustian Bargain and Emergency Cache to get more money.Important note: Amount of dog is directly proportional to amount of card and money.Utilize Leo's ability and have as many dog as possible.Use Haste for extra actions by using nothing but actions (Activate actions) to move and/or attack with Sled Dog and Flamethrower.

the hounds of the blade

A man's allegiance is fleeting a dog's love is eternal.

The hounds of the blade