Whitepeace Command: This command instantly makes ‘white peace’ (things return to the way exactly they were before a war started) between the specified countries (specified by their country tag).
Add_latest_equipment : This command will add the specified number of equipment to each and every piece of equipment you have fully researched or unlocked.
Add_equipment Command: This command adds a specified number of any equipment other than naval equipment.If you want to remove equipment specify a negative amount.
Executing this command will allow you to freely assign general traits to commanders, etc.
Allowtraits: This command removes restrictions on general trait assignment.
Specify a negative number to remove war support.
Ws: This command will add war support (max.
You can remove stability by specifying a negative number.
St: This command will add stability (max.
Cp: This command will add command power (max.
The specified amount of experience is added to the Leader/General you currently have selected.
Gain xp:This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General.